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  Nr. 4198 de marti, 1 aprilie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Car fee new version released
The Romanian government released yesterday the third version of the first car matriculation fee. And the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu admitted in front of journalists that apart from environment protection, the fee also had social and economic aspects at stake.
The PM told the ministers attending the meeting: "We wouldn't want to sabbotage our own efforts for economic growth and development, with the car industry growing more and more important. We are interested in keeping the jobs and finding more jobs, but not by turning Romania into a cemetery for old cars fetched from the West that would jeopardize jobs in Romania." According to the PM, all the funds to come from the fee would be used for environment protection only, for cutting on pollution and also for the preservation and protection of the environment. Still it is to be reminded that until yesterday the Romanian PM had argued that the fee was just an ecological one. (...) (F.B.)
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