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  Nr. 4198 de marti, 1 aprilie 2008 
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Bush arsenal
The US President George W. Bush is to arrive to Romania today to attend the NATO summit in Bucharest due in April 2-4. According to the official website of Romanian Presidency, the US President is to be accompanied by Laura Bush. According to the schedule announced by the White House officials, Bush is due to get to Romania today after paying a visit to Ukraine.
In the morning of April 2 the White House leader is to deliver a speech in the Romanian Savings Bank, Bucharest, and then set out for Neptun, where he is to meet with the President of Romania Traian Basescu, and return to Bucharest the same day. Although initially rumored to land on Mihai Kogalniceanu Airport in Constanta, the Air Force One aircraft is most likely to land on Otopeni Airport, Bucharest. The US President is to get accommodation at the Marriot Hotel in the capital of Romania.
The route he is to take beneficiates from hyper security. Apart from the impressing forces to watch the streets of Bucharest, shooters are to be watching from buildings. There will also be several helicopters keeping an eye on the US official delegation and all flights are to be coordinated from two AWACS crafts hovering the Romanian air space. The Romanian air forces have fetched the most reliable air defense.
Fleet for Air Force One
Apart from Romanian planes, there will be US hunting aircrafts to see to the security of George W. Bush. They are to escort the Air Force One and the Operational Space Center has modified the program of military communication and intelligence satellites to the same end.
6 F-15 C and E planes from the Lakenheath base in England together with a few hundreds of US soldiers from Ramstein, Germany, reached the air base in Cluj, Romania, last week to support the Romanian forces for the NATO summit.
Together with MiG 21 LanceR crafts, the US devices are to escort the fleet to accompany the Air Force One and more presidential aircrafts are involved. Another 18 F-16 planes reached Bulgaria from the Aviano Base, Italy, to contribute to the security of the Romanian air space.
Bogdan GALCA 
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