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  Nr. 4123 de vineri, 4 ianuarie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
DNA activity is disaster
The cases the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department), headed by Daniel Morar, handled in the last 2 years are just invalid.
69 prosecutors employed by the DNA lack the professional rank of High Court prosecutor, although the Department got to obey the Prosecutor's Office in 2005. Such severe flaw is because of ex minister Monica Macovei's amateurishness. In order to allow the DNA to investigate against MPs, she turned the anti-corruption department from an autonomous structure into a department of the Prosecutor's Office. And there was omitted a detail: most DNA prosecutors were not supreme prosecutors and no prosecutor working for a court, trialhouse or Court of Appeal had the competence to investigate on MPs.
As they were scared that their documents might be invalidated, last autumn 69 DNA prosecutors with inferior qualification begged the Superior Council of Magistracy to grant them with the supreme rank. Among the 69 there are famous Doru Tulus and Lucian Papici, heads of the most important DNA departments and authors of indictments against several MPs. But by the decision reached in November 28, 2007, the Superior Council of Magistracy dismissed their requests, arguing that, given Law 303/ 2004, superior qualification might be obtained by means of examination only. (...) (R.S.)
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