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  Nr. 4123 de vineri, 4 ianuarie 2008 
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LATEST - In Brief
Romanian prostitute defeats Prodi
21-year old Romanian prostitute Angela S. managed to get the Justice decision that she was to be expelled from Italy annulled, the Italian press claims.
The Genoa court decided that the young Romanian female's activity was no threat to public security and it did not compromise human dignity. The judge added the legislation on expulsion of community citizens from Italy disallowed the Italian administration to proceed to the much feared mass expulsions.
Angela and more girls were arrested during a police raid against prostitution. In just a few days she got notification that she was going to be expelled because of contining prostitution on city streets and jeopardizing public security. She was announced that her presence on Italian territory was incompatible to cohabitation norms and compromising to human dignity.
But the court could see that Angela S. had legal papers and she chose the job to support her 5-year old child and a diseased mother. Therefore Italian authorities had to pay 800 Euro trial expenses. And the security legislation that nearly made the Prodi Cabinet and the ruling coalition collapse has thus proved hard to apply. (G.S.)
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