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  Nr. 4123 de vineri, 4 ianuarie 2008 
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Princess Margareta inherits throne
In a private ceremony King Mihai I of Romania designated Princess Margareta to be his dynastic successor. Her Royal Highness Margareta is to inherit the Romanian throne and after the King's death she is to become guardian of the Crown. The New Dynasty Status of the Royal Family, which His Majesty signed 6 decades after the Communists had forced him into abdication, makes the throne inheritance clear. Prince Radu of Hohenzollern-Veringen is going to advance in rank to His Royal Highness the Prince of Romania.
In the document by the Royal House there is mentioned: "I, King Mihai I, on behalf of my authority as Head of the Royal House of Romania, obeying my duty to history and to my family's successors, in keeping with the European Union's principles and values that guarantee every person's right to express identity and ideals, by acting as my will pleases, decide that my eldest daughter, Princess Margareta, will be my dynastic successor as Head of the Royal House of Romania after my death."
Throne succession in European style
King Mihai I is demanding the Parliament of Romania to give up the use of the salic law if the Romanian nation and the Parliament find it appropriate to use monarchy as a form of governing. His Majesty has argued that, as token of Romania's EU integration and given the European Convention of Human Rights, the Royal House has modified the principles and use of the salic law that will no longer be applied when decising on succession, for it fits neither the rights in today's Europe nor Romanian society's values.
According to the new Status of the Royal House, the Crown is going to pass to the first male to be born or, in case of no male, to the first female. (...)
The Prince of Romania
Prince Radu has become a Prince of Romania to be called His Royal Highness. Such ranks are granted ad personam and they are not transmisible. The Prince is going to remain a non-dynastic member of the Royal House of Romania. After the King's death, he is to become a Prince of Romania. When Nicolae, the son of Princess Elena, turns 25, he will also become a Royal Highness.
In the Status there is also added that, apart from the King, the Queen, their daughters and the people mentioned elsewhere in the document, there is no other member of the Royal House of Romania. Therefore any addition of new members may emerge only with consent from the Head of the Royal House of Romania.
Cristian ANDREI
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