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  Nr. 4092 de miercuri, 21 noiembrie 2007 
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Most Powerful Romanians Top released
"Banii nostri" (Our Money) review released a top of the most powerful businessmen and most influential people in Romania. President Traian Basescu is top of the list. Dinu Patriciu is no. 1 in the businessmen category and Sorin Ovidiu Vantu is rated as the most influential Romanian.
"The 66 Most Powerful Romanians" yearly is structured in 3 categories: the 22 most powerful people in terms of power to decide, the 22 most powerful businessmen in Romania and the 22 most influential Romanians. According to the authors, the criteria consist in the power provided by the position, the power of money and the power of the public image as well.
Dinu Patriciu is businessman no. 1
Businessman Dinu Patriciu tops the 22 businessmen list in the "Most Powerful Romanians Top". There is mentioned that by selling 75% of the Rompetrol shares he became the richest Romanian, outclassing Ion Tiriac and Iosif Constantin Dragan. According to the authors, 2007 was a lucky year for him, the jackpot year.
The businessman got his first million Euro by doing business in the field of architecture and he thinks that, after you have got your first 10 million Euro, it all gets easier for "money attracts money". (...)
Tariceanu, 'the immortal'
The authors argue as follows: "Worshipped by some and denied by others, Traian Basescu is the most powerful politician at present". They mention merits like the official condemnation of communism and the declassification of the archive belonging to the ex Communist Secret Service in Romania.
The 'immortal' Calin Popescu Tariceanu comes second. Although they have been trying to sack him for 3 years now, he refuses to surrender.
Liberal Bogdan Olteanu, a speaker for the Chamber of Deputies, is appreciated for his spectacular evolution in the last years and Social-Democrat Ion Iliescu, formerly a President of Romania, is depicted as a "77-year old politician who loves power and finds it hard to let go of it".
Social-Democrat Nicolae Vacaroiu is next on the list, described as the survivor of all regimes.
Democrat Adriean Videanu, a mayor with the largest funds ever available to a mayor of a Romanian city after 1989, is described as notorious for "Bucharest drivers" in particular. His Democrat colleague Vasile Blaga is perceived as "the PM in stand by".
Social-Democrat Adrian Severin is also on the top, categorized as the most powerful Romanian in Brussels. Mircea Geoana, a leader of Romanian Social-Democrats, is also taken for powerful due to his skill to be in power for so long. As for Cristian Diaconescu, a spokesman for the Social-Democrats, he is categorized as the man who is a solution to all the high positions available in Romania. (...) (R.A.)
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