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  Nr. 4022 de vineri, 31 august 2007 
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Melescanu evaluates PSD vote of censure
PNL (National Liberal Party) vice-president Teodor Melescanu stated yesterday at the TNL (National Liberal Youth) Summer School at Costinesti that, speaking of the vote of censure they've announced, the Social Democrats have two options: "either they get into a mess, or they make a fool of themselves". Melescanu claimed there are good chances that this vote of censure doesn't pass. When one of the young Liberals asked him about the PSD vote of censure, Melescanu explained that it represents a constitutional procedure that any party in opposition has the right to make use of. "However, I consider that a vote of censure must be of a serious nature. It must also have a credible motivation. In fact, I don't know what this Government is being reproached because it's been only five months since it has been functioning", the Liberal vice-president said, as quoted by Mediafax. He ironically added that he expects the PD (Democrat Party) representatives to "oppose vehemently such a vote of censure". He also said the Liberals would go "their head up" into the Parliament, the vote of censure being a good opportunity for the Executive to sum up. As far as PSD is concerned, Melescanu claimed that Mircea Geoana's party finds itself in a very difficult position. (...) (R.G.)
A r h i v a
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