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  Nr. 4022 de vineri, 31 august 2007 
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Driven to extremity
-- Ioan Niculae was forced to sell ASIROM (Romanian Insurance Company) because of the debts of the other companies he controls
Vienna Insurance Group bought in July a block of 30.51% of the insurance company for 46.79 M Euro. Following the transaction, Niculae was left with approximately 20% of ASIROM. The businessmen claims that a part of the sum cashed will be directed to the complexes of fertilizers he took over and which have debts of tens of M Euro to the state budget. In fact, the money will go into the secret personal accounts the magnate holds abroad, or it will be invested in real estate business, in Romania. The negotiations between the former officer of the communist secret police (Securitate) and the Austrians are not of a recent date. First of all, Ioan Niculae asked from the offerer the amount of 200 M Euro for the main parcel, but he was refused. In 2005, the magnate's pretensions lowered to 100 M Euro; still he couldn't manage to hoax anybody. In all probability, the racketeer is to sell the remaining shares he holds at ASIROM
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