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  Nr. 3985 de joi, 19 iulie 2007 
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LATEST - In Brief
Mockery over Prut River
-- Tens of thousands of Bessarabya people have been waiting for years to be granted the Romanian citizenship. Although they win in justice, Chiuariu, for whom a four-year period is a reasonable term to give a solution to an application, is hoaxing them
At the Committee to ascertain the conditions for granting the citizenship, from the Ministry of Justice, there are files with applications dating from 2002. The aberration has reached such levels that for publishing a simple citizenship application in the Official Gazette one has to wait up to a year. Diana Domenco has got exasperated and sued the Committee. The Court of Appeal has obliged the Committee to solve the application within a reasonable term of six months. The minister of Justice has blocked everything in appeal because the judges cannot appreciate what is reasonable. Asked by ZIUA to justify the appeal, Chiuariu denied his previous decision and said that "what has happened so far was mockery". "I will submit the Parliament, in September, a draft of a law to simplify the administrative procedure of granting the citizenship", the minister promised.
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