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  Nr. 3985 de joi, 19 iulie 2007 
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UDMR depends on Tokes
-- "The Union is in a such critical situation that it would accept anything to be above the electoral 5% threshold"
The CNMT president Laszlo Tokes made yesterday public the conditions under which he would accept the UDMR (The Democratic Union of the Magyars in Romania) invitation to participate in the Europarliamentary election on a common list. Aware of the fact that "the Union is in a such critical situation that it would accept anything to be above the electoral 5% threshold", Tokes wants that the list for the EP is not under UDMR name, and to be instead a "national one, of the Magyar minority". The UDMR leadership proposed yesterday the bishop of the Reformed Church an eligible place on its own list, as Marko Bela admitted there was the risk that, without Tokes, the Union didn't reach the 5% electoral threshold. (...)
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