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  Nr. 3985 de joi, 19 iulie 2007 
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-- MoFA waits for its analysis regarding Russia's decision to suspend the CFE Treaty to be discussed today in the Supreme Council of National Defense (CSAT)
Moscow is making a step forward and two backward about the re-debate of the suspension of its participation in the CFE (Conventional Armed Forces in Europe) Treaty, and announced its availability to take over these negotiations with the United States, however not with NATO. Meantime, Romanian diplomacy wants to bring this matter to the attention of the Supreme Council of National Defense. An analysis MoFA has drawn up, which assesses the consequences, for Romania, of the Russian Federation's announcement of suspending the application of the provisions of the CFE Treaty, might be discussed in the today meeting of the CSAT.
In retort to the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) accusations, according to which MoFA would have been taken by surprise by Russia's decision to suspend its participation in the Treaty concerning the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), the Romanian head of diplomacy, Adrian Cioroianu, has specified, by means of a communiqu�, that Vladimir Putin's last week announcement "hasn't represented an element of surprise either for Romania, or for its allies". "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is fully aware of the amplitude of the gesture of the Russian Federation and, together with the other authorized state institutions, has constantly followed the evolutions relating to the CFE matter, especially during the last few months, when the position of the Russian Federation has become more and more obviously in contradiction of the CFE Treaty spirit ", added Cioroianu. (L.P.)
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