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  Nr. 3985 de joi, 19 iulie 2007 
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Dick Marty, a ticket to Tiraspol
After having been released from prison, Andrei Ivantoc ran back to native Transdniestria over the artificial border to send a message. It was a double message that had a double destination: Russia and the Free World. The message that he continues the fight after having been freed from the terrorist hell in Tiraspol and that this fight is meant to refer of the flagrant violation of the territorial integrity of an independent state, the Republic of Moldova, as it is recognized by the international community. Ivantoc's run back to the territory he was exiled from was also a symbolic action, with regard to the West's powerlessness.
The Western countries have tolerated Russia's mercy politics in Transdniestria. They haven't bothered to ask for the release of the political prisoners in Tiraspol, even after ECtHR's decision, strongly condemned by the State Duma, which has officially called them "terrorists". The Western countries have had an ostrich policy. I haven't heard of any protest on the ferocious, ostentatiously brutal way the Trandnistrean police force beat Andrei Ivantoc, by fists and feet, when he got out of prison. Most of the Western countries aren't shocked even by the perpetuation of the communist regimes, with state symbols as the hammer and the sickle, as the one in Tiraspol. I would like to see how would people like Marty react if a state - internationally recognized or invented - takes pride in hoisting the swastika. All the organizations for the human rights would start screaming, being led from Moscow. The same as it was when Prince Harry dressed up as Hitler. It would have been OK if he had dressed up as Stalin.
Communist symbols do not bother them. Dick Marty and others alike are busy to stigmatize the USA and to stir Europe against the USA on the CIA prisons matter, where poor terrorists would have been ill treated, meaning that they wouldn't have been treated very politely. The Marty Report, adopted by the Council of Europe, is now submitted to the European Parliament. And the EP goes on by validating the accusation regarding the existence of the secret US prisons, based on absolutely no evidence and aiming Poland and Romania, the countries that disturb the Russians the most for their pro-American orientation and in favour of a Euro-American union. I haven't heard the western countries, which so much defend the human rights, to protest so vividly against the flagrant violations of the human rights in the current totalitarian regimes. Also, I haven't heard them bringing into the debates of the Council of Europe and of the European Union the - flagrant-ostentatious -existence of some illegal prisons, in an illegal state. Such a state would be Transdniestria, Russia's pupil of the eye, where political detainees were tortured for fighting for the territorial integrity of their country recognized internationally, R. Moldova. Transdniestria is an organized crime incubator patronized by Russian troops.
The free world has tolerated the judicial masquerade also called trial and the political detention of Ilie Ilascu, Andrei Ivantoc, Tudor Petrov Popa and Alexandru Lesco, as well as the terror regime, including tens of simulated executions to which people have been subjected by the repressive body of a pseudo-state that only Moscow recognizes as such. Mr. Dick Marty and other top European officials tenaciously support cartoon reports, but they have stomachaches and shaken with fright before Russia. They even work in its favour, at least by omission and by anti-US diversion. I am ready to pay Mr. Marty a ticket to Tiraspol, for a visit to Chishinau and one to Bucharest. He shall go and see first the prison of terror and then talk with the political detainees and then come back to us and to look for prisons. And he should present the report only after all that. But to Europe, not to Moscow.
Roxana Iordache 
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