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  Nr. 3965 de marti, 26 iunie 2007 
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Admission score for friends
The score political parties need to make it to the Parliament, 5% at present, may go down to 2% once the uninominal vote is settled. It is a project for which the Tariceanu Cabinet intends to take responsibility in the Parliament unless it passes on time. Such a change would allow parties like the PC (Conservative Party), the AP (Popular Alliance) or the PNTCD (National Christian-Democrat Party) to join the Parliament after the future elections.
According to Liberal Dan Motreanu, this is a proposal authored by the Pro Democracy Association and more organizations and it is aimed at helping small parties standing no chance to reach the Parliament. He also argues that a party with good candidates and with a good score in certain localities, but with a score lower than 5% at national level, risks failing to make it to the Parliament.
Ludovic Orban, a vice president of Romanian Liberals, announced yesterday that the Tariceanu Cabinet was going to take responsibility for it in the Parliament unless the project passed on time. He mentioned: "All the Liberal MPs are going to support the law draft on the uninominal vote. Unless adopted, the government will take responsibility for it after the parliamentary holiday." (A.H.)
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