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  Nr. 3935 de marti, 22 mai 2007 
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Referendum outcome in international press
-- Financial Times: Safeguard clause likely to be applied
The Financial Times report reiterates Brussels officials' recommendations after the referendum for Bucharest authorities. There is mentioned Barroso's demand that Romanian should continue reforms, as the EU is concerned about the ongoing political disputes paralyzing such processes, the fight of corruption included. The report notices that after Saturday's referendum Basescu's adversaries promised to collaborate with the reconfirmed President, but that their attitude shows intention to continue to fight against him. The report reminds that the European Commission is working on a new evaluation on the two EU newcomers, Romania and Bulgaria, and may decide the application of the safeguard clause.
The Times: Basescu wants new part for Macovei
The report on Traian Basescu's return to Cotroceni Palace as President of Romania mentions his promise to intensify the fight against corruption and clean politics. But the return of Romania's ex Justice minister Monica Macovei is also insinuated at this point. The Times claims President Basescu wants a new part for her to play. There is also estimated that Basescu wants to make use of people's support to press the Parliament to pass a new electoral law to provide at least one element in favor of the uninominal vote, which would help politicians regain citizens' trust. There is also quoted a statement by the President: unless the Parliament passes a new electoral law by June 30, he will call for referendum.
Liberation: Popeye strikes back
This is the Liberation approach to the return of "controversial" President Traian Basescu to Cotroceni Palace. The author opines that the political war will go on despite the referendum victory, because the head of state is supported by only two parties, whereas most MPs are on the other side. According to Liberation, the war will be a reason for EU concern. (...)
Traian Basescu is portrayed as a political atypical even of Romania, a country that experienced a lot. He is blunt, provocative, haughty, feeling like fish in water in conflictual situations. (...)
Deutsche Presse Agentur: Electors saw an "armoured knight"
According to Deutsche Presse Agentur, the Romanian electorate saw in Basescu a sort of "glittering armoured knight" fighting against corruption. The report mentions the political groups in Romania are repositioning at present, after the majority of electors voted against the dismissal of President Traian Basescu. The situation of opposition parties who wanted him dismissed is also briefly presented. The author informs they are now analyzing the consequences of their defeat. There is outlined that PM Tariceanu has to pay for the Parliament's extremely unsatisfying plan to drive President Basescu away. (...) (A.M.L, G.D.)
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