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  Nr. 3818 de sambata, 30 decembrie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Forgotten Crimes
-- The Report of the Tismaneanu Committee ignored completely the early victims of the communism among Romanians
The document does not mention a word about the murderous repression established in Bessarabya and Bucovina right after USSR had annexed these territories in 1940. A year of imposing by force the Bolshevism followed, with massive deportations, hasty executions, tortures and common graves. It was the beginning of what was to be the fate of the whole Romania.
In 1940, the Great Romania disappeared on account of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. Invaded by the Soviet troops, Bessarabya and Bucovina were the first to taste the bitterness of communism imposed by the force of armies. Romanian authorities thoroughly documented thousands of crimes at the end of that occupation year. Strangely, the Tismaneanu Committee chose to mention nothing about them, confining itself to the study of the 1945-1989 period.
Nevertheless, the consequences of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact also explain - if we are to be faithful to the historical truth - the unavoidable decision the Romanian Government took to join the Axis powers. Actually, the USSR's territorial strategic objective - Transdniestria, Bessarabya, Bucovina, Hertza, the Danube Delta and the access to the Danube mouth, the Serpents Isle - was fulfilled after August 23rd, 1944. That is another historical date the Tismaneanu Report avoided to mention.
Ignoring the mass crimes committed by the Soviet communist regime against Romanians in 1940-1941 would be equal in value, for instance, to omitting from a similar Report drawn up in Poland, the horrid Katyn massacre. How would, for instance, president Lech Kaczinsky explain to the Poles the choosing of 1945 for such an approach of condemning communism? (...)
Here are some extracts of a study presented at the "Katyn Massacres and their role in building up a democratic memory" International Conference, organized in Bucharest by the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism (INST).
Pavel Moraru, author of the communication "Romanian documents on the Bolshevic atrocities on the left bank of Prut River, 1940-1941" (published in the Archives of the Totalitarianism) has a PH.D. in history and numerous scientific papers published both at Chishinau and Bucharest. The Bessarabyan historian presents, for the first time, in front of the public at large, proofs and concrete data of a Romanian Katyn hidden by the Soviet authorities and also by their successors. (Victor Roncea)
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