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  Nr. 3817 de vineri, 29 decembrie 2006 
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PLD handed in the application to get registered
-- Stolojan's Party has a logo, a slogan and speeds up to become a recognized party
The ex-presidential counselor Theodor Stolojan officially announced yesterday that his group handed in the documentation to get the PLD (Liberal-Democrat Party) registered as a political party. He presented the party's logo, which is in blue and orange and represents three ascending lines, of which he said they show the direction the members of his party want for Romania. The slogan of the party is "Progress, liberty and dignity".
"On December the 7th we took the decision to set up the Liberal-Democrat Party. In 20 days, we submitted to the court all the documents necessary to have the PLD registered. It is a performance is due to the initiative groups, who thus proved they are competitive", the ex-Liberal leader explained. Theodor Stolojan is the chairman of the PLD provisional Executive Bureau, mentioned Gheoghe Flutur, a future vice-chairman of the party. The rebels did not exclude a merge with PNL (National Liberal Party), if the Liberals' current leadership is changed.
"An imitation" meant to "undermine" PNL
From the other side of the barricade, PM Tariceanu did not shrink from criticizing in harsh terms, the Stolojan-Stoica group. PLD (Liberal-Democrat Party), initiated as a pocket party for the use of PD (Democrat Party), by reinserted politicians, who belong to Ceausescu's regime, cannot represent a real version for the political sceneand a threat to PNL, said Tariceanu yesterday. In an interview he gave to the national radio station, Tariceanu characterized PLD as being "an imitation", part of a construction meant to create confusion and to "undermine" PNL. Also, he appreciated that, by collaborating with this party, PD is launching confusing and regrettable signals.
Bogdan Olteanu (PNL), chairman of the Chamber of Deputies in the Romanian Parliament, said that PLD's intention to affiliate to the PPE proves that Stolojan and his supporters have nothing in common with the Liberalism. (R.G.)
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