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  Nr. 3814 de sambata, 23 decembrie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Patapievici to sue Vadim
Horia Roman Patapievici wants to sue Corneliu Vadim Tudor, president of the PRM ("Great Romania" Party), for insult and threat to aggress him physically.
He explains: "I have been talking to my lawyer and I will sue Vadim Tudor for insult and threat to aggress me physically. I don't know if I may sue him for the hooligan behavior he has got in the Parliament of Romania. As citizens of Romania, I am outraged that the representatives of an extremist party, Corneliu Vadim Tudor and Daniela Buruiana, brought groups for pressure to the Parliament of Romania. He says he may also sue PRM deputy Daniela Buruiana. (R.G.)
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