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  Nr. 3814 de sambata, 23 decembrie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
What separates us from EU
Romania has had a positive evolution, but many things are still keeping it outside the European Union. This is what the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu said yesterday in a message he delivered as the year was approaching an end.
He commented: "I wanted us to achieve more. We have still got important things to do. Romania has had a positive evolution, but many things are still separating us from the European Union." Although Romania would have a different status in 2007, he added, it had to accomplish other missions in order to become a modern state. The PM had a message for journalists, asking for better communication between institutions and mass media. He also said he was concerned that the Romanian government's spokeswoman Oana Marinescu would soon quit in order to take care of her child. (O.B.)
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