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  Nr. 3811 de miercuri, 20 decembrie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
US interested in the Black Sea
A recent report by the Heritage Foundation argues that the US is to promote a cautious, balanced and realistic strategy in order to contribute to the security and stability of the Black Sea region. The document mentions the EU and the US share this objective of providing peace in this region and encouraging democratic and economic reforms in order to prevent one single power from dominating the region.
The document includes a recommendation for the Bush Administration, who should open consulting with Bucharest and Sophia authorities in order to diminish Turkey's concern that the US bases in Romania and Bulgaria threaten its dominant position.
The Heritage Foundation report also approaches the energy issue and the authors emphasize the Black Sea is already a main component for the transport of hydrocarbons coming from the Middle East and Central Asia and heading Europe.
You can read the complete version in attachment. (A.M.L.)
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