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  Nr. 3810 de marti, 19 decembrie 2006 
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Condemnation of the Communist regime in comments
Historian Neagu Djuvara claims Vladimir Tismaneanu's report on the Communist regime in Romania is welcome, even if at 17 years after 1989, thinking the report is good work. He emphasizes the need to punish those who took advantage of the system.
Jelev and Walesa have got no comments
After yesterday's scandal occurred while the President of Romanian was reading out his speech to condemn communism, two special guests, ex Bulgarian President Jelio Jelev and ex President of Poland Lech Walesa refused to comment it for the press. Ex Czech President Vaclav Havel had been invited to attend, but he didn't.
Andrei Plesu: Vacaroiu is "co-organizer"
Andrei Plesu comments yesterday's parliamentary session as "the most disgusting one", due to the PRM ("Great Romania" Party) men and some more MPs not even worthy of being caretakers. He thinks Vacaroiu was calm while chairing the meeting and seemed to be a "co-organizer". (R.G.)
Mircea Geoana: Basescu was wrong
Here is the comment of Mircea Geoana, president of the Social-Democrat Party: "The report Traian Basescu presented mustn't be taken as a final report. I think Basescu was wrong to present it to the Parliament, for he made himself available to undemocratic attitude. Because they have got no projects, politicians are trying to bring back the demons of the past."
Liberals' agreement is "theoretical"
Romanian Liberals' agreement to the conclusions of the Tismaneanu Report is "theoretical", but they think the President request for a study to condemn communism is "bizarre". Liberal Adrian Iorgulescu comments: "The National Liberal Party agrees to the conclusions in the Tismaneanu report, theoretically, although many of the things presented are well known. Right after 1990, the National Liberal Party was the first wishing to impose Point 8 in the Declaration of Timisoara on political life." (...) (R.G.)
A r h i v a
  A good mark    
  The exorcised    2 comentarii
  President Basescu's requests    
  Romanians think communism is a good idea    
  Goma's refusal    
  Muzzles for journalists    
  Liberals go by themselves    
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 24 pentru Stolojan (82 afisari)
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