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  Nr. 3810 de marti, 19 decembrie 2006 
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The exorcised
Yesterday the President of Romania Traian Basescu condemned the Communist regime explicitly and categorically. He did it in front of the Parliament, describing communism as "an illegitimate and criminal" system, insisting that, in keeping with the Constitution, his message was an official document of the Romanian state.
Romania has thus become the first state among the ex Soviet ones to condemn the Communist regime officially. At 17 years after the collapse of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, Traian Basescu is the president who has met this insistent claim of the civil society. It is all the more remarkable since during the last electoral confrontation in late 2004, when competing against Adrian Nastase, Basescu was wondering why was the Romanian people doomed to choose one Communist or another to become a president of state.
Yesterday's solemn parliamentary session was as noisy as possible, because of the dreadful scandal plotted by the PRM ("Great Romania" Party) and tolerated by chair Nicolae Vacaroiu. (A.H.)
The PRM beasts unbound
The PRM representatives turned the main institution of democracy, that is the Parliament, into a room for the underclass, replacing rules and manners with outcries and complete pell mell. With help from 'lieutenants' Funar, Buruiana and more PRM MPs, Corneliu Vadim Tudor made a real show, bringing the outskirts spirit to the Parliament, ceaselessly swearing while President Basescu was delivering his speech on the condemnation of communism. The scandal was minutely arranged. (...)
Funar was the first to take the floor and ask that parliamentary debates should follow after the President's speech. While in the audience Vadim started the scandal, expressing offense against special guest King Mihai: "He brought the Soviet troops to our country!" The chair asked for manners. The PRM men took the floor one by one and spirits got hot. From his balcony seat Patapievici together with the Liberal-Democrat Alliance was protesting. "You have brought troops for pressure! This is terrorism!" Vadim cried out. Walesa and Jelev were stunned. Basescu and Tariceanu bowed their heads.
"GDS bastards!", "The Militia!"
The Conservatives wanted to show the foreign guests the multitude of procedures the Romanian Parliament had and deputy Calian asked for a break for consulting and the chair agreed. During the break Basescu walked down to greet the King and the ex anti-Communist leaders there, but he ignored ex President Emil Constantinescu.
Vadim moved the scandal to the boxes. While leading the youth brought there to protest, he scolded the guardians keeping out his PRM "citizens". From the balcony he cried out words like "GDS bastards!" (GDS - Group for Social-Dialogue) and "The Militia!". He threatened to throw Patapievici "the belly worm" from the balcony. (...)
"Have a drink so that you can speak, you drunkard!"
The session started again, hoards of PRM members filling the balconies. Whistles and red cards were distributed. MPs voted against the PRM request. President Basescu finally reached the microphone: "Communism was a Totalitarian regime born by violence and ended by violence too." The PRM members got unbound. They booed unbelievably, waving the red cards. Vadim cried out: "Have a drink so that you can speak, you drunkard!" Basescu went on with his speech, trying to ignore them: "I won't stop, this is certain!" But Vadim had more show ready. With help from senator Nicolae Iorga, he passed in front of the MPs carrying a huge piece of cloth, showing the President as prisoner behind bars. The PRM creed was printed there: "Prison of the Mafia men".
Coup by Parliament
Basescu wasn't impressed with the cries: "Lies!", "Out!", "Resign!" One PRM chap produced a bottle of champagne and put it on the President's rostrum. Basescu didn't even take a look at it. Democrat senator Marius Marinescu took it away.
As they had enough show, guests started leaving the room. Ticu Dumitrescu blamed it on the organizers, accusing them of indifference. The session was up, the booing went on. While on their way out Plesu and Patapievici accused the chair of complicity to the "coup by the Parliament", since he stood watching the hooligans' show, although he could have calmed spirits down. (...)
The distinguished foreign guests left the room while still shocked. Later on Lech Walesa and some of his collaborators were trying to hide their laughter, commenting the show in their language.
Paul Dumitrescu, formerly a political prisoner, attended the session. He left the Parliament Palace with tears shining in his eyes.
Valentina DELEANU, Carmen EPURAN, Ovidiu BANCHES 
 Comentarii: 2 Afiseaza toate comentariile  
what do you read, my lord ?   de calator
The psychology of the cage and the criminality of the communism.   de Davidescu vasile
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