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  Nr. 3808 de sambata, 16 decembrie 2006 
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Borrell: The standards of life will improve very soon
-- The ZIUA reporter in Brussels interviewed Josep Borrell Fontalles, a president of the Parliament of Europe. The journalists expressed his thanks for what the EU official had that far done for Romania, at times decisive for a successful accession to the EU. He asked the official whether he thought Romania to be ready for such status and challenges or not.
The EU official commented Romania had done its homework, although not everything was perfect. He expressed optimism at Romania's ability to accomplish what it was left to do, outlining it was ready for EU membership, even if not 100%.
When developing upon Romania's future contribution to the EU, Borrell explained the case was very similar to Spain, in terms of surface, number of people in agriculture, income differences and social categories. He claimed Romania would go through what Spain had gone through: first a transfer of psychology, one of recognition, then one of credibility together with reliable rooting in the democratic dimension, the impossibility to come back to the past and then open access to structural funds. He said the latter would soon change Romania's face.
Still he official commented it was not only a matter of money, because the main issue was related to credibility in particular. He explained that to Europe Romania's accession meant the fulfilling of Europe's reunification. He described this moment as the accomplishment of a common mission: to do away once and for all with the tragic traces of Hitler and Stalin.
As for when the lives of Romanians were to change, he opined citizens would feel the changes due to the improvement of the standards of life, which meant soon. He claimed that once with growing investments and structural funds available, people would become more enthusiastic about the European idea. In the end he wished all his Romanian friends, on behalf of himself and of the Parliament of Europe, welcome to 'our common house, Europe'.
Cristian UNTEANU, Brussels
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