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  Nr. 3808 de sambata, 16 decembrie 2006 
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Traian drops a tear for Europe
-- Yesterday the President of Romania Traian Basescu was so touched with the Council of Europe's welcome for newcomers Romania and Bulgaria that he even cried.
He was visibly excited and tearful while reading out this message included in the Council's final report. After the Council sessions ended Basescu and Tariceanu held a common press conference. In the opening President Basescu wanted to read out paragraph 2 in the report. His voice was both trembling and solemn, while tears were shining in his eyes.
As for the Romanian PM, he was interrupted while delivering his speech in Brussels by the Romanian President himself, as the latter wanted to correct one of Tariceanu's sentences about the EU welcome message for Romania and Bulgaria. (D.E.)
Basescu: Construction is just starting, we have achieved only the basis so far
President Traian Basescu's proved excellent political attitude in front of the journalists gathered in Brussels to attend what was supposed to be a press conference, but was actually a series of statements: first the Presidents and then the Romanian PM's.
If someone was expecting to hear that only the Democrat ministers in Romania did their best for Romania's accession, as Mrs. Boagiu was mentioning at a time, they could hear no such thing. The President of Romania praised all the parties participating at efforts for Romania's EU membership. To be more precise, he announced no one could claim such success was theirs, because Romania's accession was the outcome of "16 years of extraordinary work by 22 million people". The President added the victory belonged to politicians only to a small extent. But we, said the President looking at the PM, managed to avoid the use of the spare solution the EU has, that is one-year postponement. He concluded it was because Romania did its homework right and in due time.
It was a speech proving common sense and political normality. He was cautious enough to specify he didn't think Romanian accomplished the mission and opined his country had just reached prospects. So far we have achieved only a basis, he went on, on which we can place prospects of welfare, social and economic security for Romanians.
The President emphasized that the welcome to the EU given by the Council of Europe, registered as such in the final papers of the session, was the most important phrase Romania had even written. He then developed upon the advantages it would bring for the youth, described as the main beneficiaries of Romania's accession to the EU.
Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu mentioned it too. He claimed such a moment in Romania's history could be compared only to December 1, 1918 and underscored Romania would have European solidarity from now on, meaning it would be allowed to access structural funds. He claimed such funds were the key to the success of all states that joined the EU, practically the most important advantage we would have at hand after January 1, 2007. Tariceanu also reminded it was also a victory against some people's skepticism at Romania's ability to meet requirements, even after the fulfilling of EU accession talks.
Romanian President exclusively for ZIUA
Rep.: At such times of real joy, could you tell Romanians when they can feel the advantages of accession directly, when our EU entry can have visible effects?
T.B.: I would like to correct the way you are evaluating what I am feeling now. It is not joy that is prevailing, but the sense of responsibility. I can realize that by all these efforts we have just achieved a basis on which to found processes meant for Romania's rapid modernization. Romanians will feel it in some 2-3 years' time. At that time they will feel that they live in a more modern country, rooted in European realities. (Cristian UNTEANU, Brussels)
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