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  Nr. 3806 de joi, 14 decembrie 2006 
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They came to an agreement
Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu and the chairman of the Conservative Party (PC) Dan Voiculescu have come to an agreement on two projects the Conservative supported insistently: the no tax shall be laid on the reinvested profit and the VAT at the basic food products shall be of 9% and not of 19%. However, these measures shall not be applied this year. Given the fact that the PM had rejected before this meeting any attempt of the PC to condition its vote for the budget to the acceptance of the two projects, it is as clear as it gets that the Tariceanu and Voiculescu had a political arrangement as well. The meeting took place after the statements Voiculescu had made a couple of days ago on the establishment, in the future, of a minority government, made up only by PNL (National Liberal Party), that will also be backed by the PC and which will be headed by Tariceanu.
Moreover, not too long ago, Graham Watson (leader of the European Liberals) spoke highly of Dan Voiculescu. (...)
Roxana ANDRONIC, Valentina DELEANU 
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