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  Nr. 3806 de joi, 14 decembrie 2006 
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CEC is "butchered" on Christmas
-- The new owner of CEC (House of Savings and Deposits - in Romania) will be announced shortly before Christmas, after the Government approved, yesterday, the final version of the privatization contract. PSD (Social-Democrat Party), PRM (Greater Romania Party) and PIN (National Initiative Party) ask for stopping the sale of the last State owned bank.
Launched a year and a half ago, the "marathon" of the CEC privatization, the last commercial bank left into the State's ownership, is coming, not without controversies, to an end. The latest version of the CEC privatization contract was approved yesterday in the Government's meeting. However, yesterday too, senators from PSD and PRM submitted to the Parliament the simple motion "Stop the CEC privatization!" In its turn, PIN qualified the privatization as being "scandalous and unexplainable".
Greek or Hungarian majority shareholder?
If things go the way the Government wants them to, the winner of the CEC privatization might be announced between 20 and 22 of December, and the contract is to be made public right when it is being signed. "After the proposals are received, we shall open them the same day and we shall make the result public", says the minister of Finances, Sebastian Vladescu. The State, the sole shareholder of CEC, decided to sell 69.9% of its shares, a parcel also including the 9.9% rate, which goes to the Ownership Fund, according to the legal provisions in force. The OTP Hungarian bank and the National Bank of Greece qualified for the final stage of the privatization of the Romanian House of Savings and Deposits (CEC). (...) (Gilda POPA, Corina SCARLAT, Valentina DELEANU)
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