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  Nr. 3806 de joi, 14 decembrie 2006 
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Voronin abolished the Christmas Tree
-- The Christmas Tree in the Republic of Moldova shall wear, following a presidential order, "national clothes" and shall be renamed "The Country's Tree"
President of the Republic of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin, gives more and more evident signs he has given up the pro-European orientation, heading instead, at full speed, towards Moscow. After having managed to impose an anti-Romanian history manual in the schools of the Republic of Moldova, Vladimir Voronin accused Romania of interference in domestic affairs of Moldova. His latest outburst was against the Metropolitan seat of Bessarabya (subject to the Patriarchy of the Romanian Orthodox Church), which he accused of corruption.
As if seized by a dictatorial fever, Vladimir Voronin tries to set rules on everything that comes to his way: from the Christmas Tree that he renamed the "Country's Tree", to Santa Claus that is about to come in front of the children dressed up in a fluffy fur coat, with a lamb cap on his head and a Moldavian wallet.
Priests ask for explanations
The Metropolitan seat of Bessarabya will ask for an explanation from the President of the Republic of Moldova in connection with the latter's statements to its address. According to Voronin's statements, "corruption also exists among the clerics, and all the violations of the church decrees are covered within the Metropolitan seat of Bessarabya". In retort, the press office of the Metropolitan seat of Bessarabya, quoted by Basa-press, said that the statements of President Vladimir Voronin "are libels and illogical statements, nonsense".
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