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  Nr. 3802 de sambata, 9 decembrie 2006 
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Romanian ambassador to Chishinau summoned home
The Romanian foreign minister has summoned Romania's Ambassador to Chishinau Filip Teodorescu to Bucharest for consulting, the BBC announces.
Seemingly, it is only because of one diplomacy incident, as Moldovan authorities reproached Romania for encouraging decisions against themselves. But this is actually related to the fact that President Voronin expressed the reproach the very day when the Russian foreign minister Serghei Lavrov was scolding the Romanian foreign minister Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu while in Brussels.
Russia and the rulers in Chishinau, its smaller servants, are aimed at offensive against the pro-Atlantic policy of the Romanian President Traian Basescu. Chishinau authorities have been criticizing what they call Romania's preoccupation to take part in the consolidation of the Moldovan Republic's European option. Chishinau officials have made it visible they are more interested in relations with Russia and they don't seem contented with Romania's participation to the process of the Moldovan Republic's integration in the EU.
In a meeting with foreign journalists the Romanian foreign minister showed more caution, as he claimed Romania wouldn't want to force others into their own good. But Chishinau officials have got different plans. They are also connected to the presidential elections in Transdniestria due next Sunday, just as they are related to Russia's decision to acknowledge this separatist entity or not. Such acknowledgement would mean the federalization of the present Moldovan Republic. (D.E.)
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