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  Nr. 3787 de miercuri, 22 noiembrie 2006 
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The PNL as prey
The Traian Basescu group's operation to confiscate the PNL (National Liberal Party) through Stolojan is in full swing. Whether out of diplomacy or weakness, Tariceanu has started to surrender. First he agreed to meet with Stolojan's group for assault and then he put up with the extraordinary congress idea. Is this weakness? Is he about to lose the PNL for good? Have his allies in the party dumped him? Or is he plotting a counteroffensive to end disputes on the leadership over the PNL?
It is now certitude to everyone that to grab the PNL is the target of Stolojan's group, a target initiated, organized, supported and directed from Cotroceni. But there is no time for the making of a new presidential party during this electoral cycle, hence the seemingly disorderly move of the dissidents and their last assault. The whole stage direction is meant to create a powerful and implacable image, focussed on Stolojan as the redeemer of the PNL. We could see on TV yesterday, for the third or fourth time, the staging with "daddy" Stolojan surrounded by ex PNL personalities in a monolith scene. They were supporting a political project which says nothing, apart from opposition to the present party officials.
Still the king on the chessboard was captured. The other side, that is Tariceanu, is putting up with the game. Yesterday he made an interesting move. He wouldn't want to talk to Stolojan only as "man to man", he wanted to meet the whole group of butterflies turned into eagles. The president of the PNL seemed to be surrendering again. Why would he want to have talks with people expelled from the PNL or people who expelled themselves, since he is in power, and not in the opposition? If he wants to, he can make use of his governmental position to do and undo a lot. But this hide-and-seek game played with Stolojan's group has surprised many, the latter group's representatives included. Tariceanu didn't come to the meeting all on his own or as guide of the Liberal staff. This was the worst the group for assault was expecting. He simply invited the leaders of PNL local organizations to talks, as both together and separately the latter make the Liberal breath. This is the most legitimate instrument for reaching fundamental decisions concerning the party. As they thought they would be facing a hesitating and confused president, more and more isolated inside his own party, Stolojan's group hit against the wall. And to break it would be more difficult than the Cotroceni strategists imagined.
And the ridicule scene followed next. Right after yesterday's meeting Tariceanu came out to say one more time that there was no political project alternative to the PNL programme, but just an intention to confiscate the party. Then we could see an operetta scenery housing Stolojan's team, who expressed hope that a congress would make things clear in favor of the famous right center core to be dominated by the PD (Democrat Party). Then, as predictable, the Liberal leaders rejected the assault operations from Cotroceni. But the score is still tight. For how long? Something makes me feel that last Tuesday we could see a new operation meant to bring confusion, but not a decisive offensive. Tariceanu has got his toughest week ahead. Will it start by a shocking statement from Ungureanu?
Sorin Rosca Stanescu 
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