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  Nr. 3779 de luni, 13 noiembrie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Pope Benedict and Patriarch Aleksey II to arrive to Sibiu in 2007
Bucharest authorities hope that during next year's events dedicated to the Sibiu-European City of Culture project numerous foreign officials will visit the celebrated city.
Ten state presidents are right now on the list, along with representatives of EU states governments and many EU officials. The Romanian culture minister has already sent an official invitation to Pope Benedict in the Vatican. The Pontiff is to attend the ecumenical reunion to take place next year. About 3,000 Church officials from all over the world are expected to attend. If he agrees to come, Pope Benedict is to reach Sibiu in September 8, 2007 to take part in the Pilgrimage of Light to follow after the European Ecumenical Assembly. Patriarch Aleksey II of Russia has been sent a similar invitation.
On the list there are also Nobel awarded writers such as the German Gunter Grass and the Magyar Imre Kertesz. (D.E.)
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