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  Nr. 3776 de joi, 9 noiembrie 2006 
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Ministry for faucet
Romania's accession to the EU is going to turn the ministry now headed by Democrat Anca Boagiu into an institution to see that Romania joins the EU by the book. It is unclear how the future institution will look like, but one thing is certain: it will have to elaborate strategies and policies to use EU funds and its activity will influence Romania's development. The bulky funds the EU has promised are also at stake and cause political disputes.
The Democrat Party is claiming there are many reasons why their member should continue to head the MIE(Ministry of European Integration). On the other hand, the Liberals too have got enough reasons to wish to take over, especially that right now the Democrats are in control of more than half of the ministries. The Liberals have recently lost leadership over the Ministry of Defense, allegedly because a Romanian candidate for an EU commissioner was selected from Tariceanu's party. Such arguments will matter a lot in the Liberals' talks with the Democrats. There is also the fact that the Liberals are at advantage because they have a post - EU accession strategy ready.
Uncertain future ahead of MIE
There are lots of ideas on the MIE now circulating. There are several projects on its future, but the most likely to succeed is the one based on the idea that the MIE should split in two different structures: one to see to European affairs and the other one to deal with development, meaning the use of EU funds. The problem is to whom the two structures are to be subordinate. One version is to have the European affairs (in charge communication with the EU administrative structures) become a department within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On the other hand, the PM may take over too. As for the development department, it may get to be subordinate to the PM or turn into a ministry.
Need of efficiency
MIE experts say there is need of full efficiency in the relations with the EU structures after Romania's accession, due in January 1, 2007. When Romania was having talks with the EU there was enough time for Bucharest authorities to respond, but after accession Romanian officials will have to keep up with the events in Brussels. There is need of a structure for central coordination, to make sure there is fast response to the ongoing EU decisions and processes. It is mainly experts who need to express such response, but coordination must make sure of Bucharest authorities' solidarity in relations with the EU structures. (...) (D.I., G.D.)
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