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  Nr. 3775 de miercuri, 8 noiembrie 2006 
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Nastase is about to leave PSD
Adrian Nastase may resign from the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) today, party sources claim. The ex president of the party is to have a press conference in the Parliament Palace today at 12:00. He has also invited journalists to debate on the last warning he got from the PSD organization in Bucharest.
But there are unofficial sources claiming Adrian Nastase may be announcing his resignation today. If he takes such a decision, he may be joining Dan Voiculescu's PC (Conservative Party), as the latter party has lately been expressing wish to welcome the ex Romanian PM. Sources close to him haven't confirmed his resignation so far and they have neither confirmed his intention to affiliate to the PC.
The above-mentioned sources say the warning for lack of discipline against Nastase has made him consider an extreme solution such as resignation, although an almost unknown member, Dan Tudorache, is the one who actually decided on the warning. Sources claim Adrian talked to the ex President of Romania Ion Iliescu about it. Local sources inform there are several PSD organizations intending to ask Nastase to be a candidate for presidency over the party in the congress due in December. (...) (R.A.)
Conservatives are waiting for him to resign
Romanian Conservatives' leader Dan Voiculescu said yesterday that he had had talks with the ex PSD leader Adrian Nastase on the idea that he should join the PC. Voiculescu mentioned the PC offer was still available: "I haven't talked to Mr. Adrian Nastase about precise things. He is still a member of the PSD. We can tell you nothing about the possibility that Adrian Nastase should join the PC." (V.D.)
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