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  Nr. 3775 de miercuri, 8 noiembrie 2006 
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Turcu gave clues, but no evidence
Liviu Turcu, formerly a head of the Foreign Intelligence Department in the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania), went to the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) for hearing yesterday. He told the CNSAS board about some military units, claiming they owned the complete archives of the ex Securitate.
After his meeting with CNSAS members Mircea Dinescu and Ticu Dumitrescu, Turcu mentioned: "I have told them about some military units in Romania housing documents that can help the CNSAS update the picture on some Romanian officials. If they are fair, the services can either find these documents or summon those known to have destroyed the archives and learn what exactly vanished.".
Turcu also claimed that the Information and Documentation Center of the ex Securitate owned most of the archive on microfilms. He explained the documents had been transmitted only in the printed version. He explained: "If you want to bring an institution at a standstill, you give the printed documents instead of the hard disks, because it is much easier to work with the latter." He outlined he had no reason to denigrate the CNSAS, claiming that his only wish was to do some tidy up in Romanian politics.
Dinescu: "He's given us a rod, not a fish"
After talking to Turcu, CNSAS member Mircea Dinescu said Turcu gave no information or documents to the CNSAS, but only clues on how to reach the documents.
He commented: "Liviu Turcu has given us a rod, not a fish. We hope we will use it properly." Dinescu said the meeting with Turcu was helpful and opined the latter was on the same side with the CNSAS: "We are on the same side now. We are interested in the same things and the essential target is to reach the whole information, not twisted pieces." (...) (C.E.)
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