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  Nr. 3775 de miercuri, 8 noiembrie 2006 
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Give the microfilms!
The information unveiled by Liviu Turcu in Marius Tuca's talk show on Antena 1 TV channel last Monday points one more time to the contents of the records transferred from the intelligence services' archive to the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service) one. Even if trying to provide details about 11 Romanian politicians' collaboration with the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania), Turcu gave no real evidence. There is need to give the microfilms of the ex Securitate and analyze them so that the operation to unmask the ex Securitate collaborators wouldn't grow petty. In order to do away with any suspicion, the CNSAS should post on the Internet all the records transferred from the secret services. Analysis of the microfilms can decide on the initial contents of the records, no matter if the contents were altered so that a certain person would be clean.
All the records are intact
After 1968 and after the events in Czechoslovakia, it was decided that the whole archive of the Securitate should be transferred on microfilms. A factory in Slatina produced double cover aluminum containers, both fire and waterproof. A number of tapes with microfilms reached every container, which was then hermetically closed. They were sent to two secret locations and the officials in charge there were ordered to put fire on the archive in case of emergency. The microfilms with the secret documents of the Securitate include all records, there is not one single page missing.
Therefore those who managed to grab their records from the Securitate, hopeful they would thus delete the traces of their collaboration with the repressive institution, can stay calm: all the types of records are in the microfilmed archive. Nothing is lost! This archive is highly important because it allows for comparison with the microfilm and it can been seen which records were "cleaned" and which were "blackened".
The 11 politicians on Turcu's list
Liviu Turcu, an officer of the ex Securitate himself, claimed that at the end of 1989 Adrian Nastase was ready to be sent abroad as undercover officer. As for Teodor Melescanu, Turcu mentioned he himself had signed order on Melescanu's mission abroad. As for Mircea Cosea, Turcu explained the latter couldn't have spent 7 years abroad without proving gratitude to the Romanian state. He claimed in the years after the Revolution in 1989 and up to the present there had been "negotiations" on some records. He mentioned some had been taken out secretly or protected.
Turcu commented that in the last 16 years that part of the archive consisting in information on those who developed political careers later on had been selected and cut several times. Turcu admitted many of such Securitate informers were still active in today's state institutions.
When asked how come there were no Democrats on his list, Turcu answered it was "pure coincidence" and outlined there was no scenario behind his list.
Turcu commented on Mona Musca's case too, claiming that the CNSAS had no documents on her main activity in the past. He mentioned on the list there were actually some hundred people and emphasized he didn't think he was opening Pandora's Box. Liviu Turcu, once in charge of that ex Securitate department for the German speaking world in Western Europe, mentioned there was no group of interests hiding behind his latest information for central press. (D.S.S.)
A r h i v a
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