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  Nr. 3750 de marti, 10 octombrie 2006 
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Badalan expresses accusations against Atanasiu
General Eugen Badalan, formerly a head of the military staff in Romania, went to the Prosecutor's Office yesterday for questioning on the activity of the suspended defense minister Teodor Atanasiu, whom Badalan is accusing of abuse at work. The general provided prosecutors with several documents proving Atanasiu committed abuses. He explained: "Teodor Atanasiu was presented a report on the stage reached in negotiations on the frigates. He wrote it was the minister who was to negotiate contract price, which is not in keeping with procedures. Another point I have told prosecutors about is that Teodor Atanasiu demanded the employees of the Ministry of Defense to give up their cell phone contracts and have contracts with another company that had made an offer to the ministry staff. But there was no auction."
The general said he had brought some documents on Atanasiu's means of hiring or firing some of his employees. He mentioned he had the right to carry such documents with him. As for other documents, he asked the prosecutors to demand them from the Ministry of Defense by legal means.
Badalan admitted he had not got along with the suspended minister and claimed that two months after the latter had become a minister the two of them started disputes. The general added he could see the minister did not wish his ministry well. (...)
Decision is up to the Supreme Court
In October 18 the High Court of Justice is to decide on Atanasiu's solicitation related to the presidential decree suspending him as defense minister. The decision to be reached is a final one.
The President of Romania Traian Basescu signed decree to suspend the minister last month, because the latter official was under criminal investigations. Atanasiu appealed to Bucharest Court of Appeal against the decree, but the latter institution dismissed the minister's initiative. Still Atanasiu addressed the High Court of Justice. And late last week military prosecutors reached verdict not to open criminal inquiry against Teodor Atanasiu and officers working for the General Information Department in the Ministry of Defense, dismissing accusations such as abuse at work and abuse against public and private interests as groundless. (...)
Bogdan GALCA 
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