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  Nr. 3750 de marti, 10 octombrie 2006 
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PM demands Atanasiu take ministry back
Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu asked yesterday in an indirect manner that President Traian Basescu should gave back the defense ministry to Teodor Atanasiu, since prosecutors decided not to open criminal inquiry against the latter.
It was Teodor Atanasiu himself who opined there were no legal grounds to be used to prevent him from getting his ministry back. But according to the law, presidency adviser Adriana Saftoiu and Social-Democrat deputy Eugen Bejinariu, who had written complaints against the minister, have got 20 days available to appeal against the court decision not to open criminal investigations. Still none of the two complaint authors insinuated they were intending to do this. Given the circumstances, President Basescu may be waiting for these 20 days to pass and then revoke his own decree suspending the defense minister.
In the meantime general Eugen Badalan, formerly a head of the Romanian military staff, wrote a criminal complaint against the Liberal minister, invoking abuse.
Tariceanu: Basescu should revoke decree
PM Tariceanu said yesterday that President Basescu should revoke the decree suspending the minister and added the Criminal Procedure Code gave complaint authors the right to appeal against prosecutors' decision.
After yesterday's meeting of the Liberals, Tariceanu said he knew about the decision not to start criminal investigations against Atanasiu. He opined general Badalan's complaint could not influence the progress of things. Tariceanu commented: "There are criminal complaints against many ministers. If we take this path, we risk suspending many ministers."
The suspended minister himself said he would join the government again if the President revoked the decree. He added he had not talked to Presidency Administration about it. As for the idea that complaint authors might appeal against the decision, Atanasiu commented: "If they appeal against it, it is against prosecutors, not against me." (...) (A.H., R.G.)
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