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  Nr. 3744 de marti, 3 octombrie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Germany promises to vote in due time
Germany will ratify the Treaty of Accession with the EU for Romania and Bulgaria in due time. Some members of a delegation representing the German Parliament sait id yesterday, after their meeting with the Romanian minister for European integration Anca Boagiu in Bucharest.
The German Parliament is to have the first debate on the Treaty in October 18 and the second is due in October 26. During their visit Germany's representatives expressed interest in the status of national minorities in Romania, the German minority in particular. As for Romania's preparations for the EU membership, the German officials were interested in the Justice system reform and Romanian authorities' capacity to assimilate EU funds to reach Romania in 2007-2013.
While in Sibiu yesterday, the German MEP Hartmut Nassauer confirmed that the German Parliament would ratify the treaty by Christmas. Nassauer insured there would follow no special measures to watch Romania and Bulgaria. He also claimed the Social Christian-Democrat group in the Parliament of Europe was supporting the European Commission's recommendation that Romania and Bulgaria should join the EU in January 1, 2007." (...) (D.E.)
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