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  Nr. 3742 de sambata, 30 septembrie 2006 
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Judgement day for Liberals
The ethics committee in the PNL (National Liberal Party) is to announce its conclusions in today's meeting of Permanent Delegation members in Cluj. PNL spokesman Varujan Vosganian says the conclusions are on several party members. Today they are also likely to talk about the proposal to expel deputies Raluca Turcan and Cristian Boureanu from the party, because of their public statements against the PNL. They may also discuss about withdrawing political support from Aleodor Francu, head of the PM chancellery, and deputy Titus Gheorghiof, collaborator of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania).
Dinu Patriciu may be one more issue for today's meeting. Several party members have criticized the businessman for having financed the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) in the 2004 electoral campaign. Stolojan and Stoica may also be at stake, as the Liberal organization in Bucharest demanded that the two should be expelled from and the local organizations the two are affiliated to have postponed a decision.
Yesterday there was information that the PNL might quit the government unless they had consulting with the Democrats, concerning the Parliament vote on intelligence service chiefs. Spokesman Varujan Vosganian said they hadn't debated it officially. On the other hand, there are more and more leaders of local Liberal branches who agree to separate from the Democrats in case the Democrats and the Social-Democrats vote together for Traian Basescu's recommendation on the future chief of the SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service). But central party leaders are to reach an official decision on the Romanian President's recommendations for the future officials of the SRI and SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service). As for expelling certain party members, there are Liberals against such a radical measure.
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