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  Nr. 3721 de miercuri, 6 septembrie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Antohi is another falling star on "Clean Voices" list
Historian Sorin Antohi admitted he had been a collaborator of the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). In admitted it in a letter he wrote for Cotidianu daily, where his editorials are published.
Sorin Antohi is part of the "Clean Voices" list elaborated by the Civic Media Association. He is one of those who founded the Group for Social Dialogue, a collaborator of publications such as "22" and "Dilama", as well as a member of the presidential commission to analyze communism. The Romanian foreign minister had decided that Antohi should head the much controversial Hungarian-Romanian Gojdu Foundation. (...) (G.D.)
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