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  Nr. 3706 de sambata, 19 august 2006 
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Constantinescu wants to sue CNSAS and intelligence service chiefs
Yesterday the ex President of Romania Emil Constantinescu expressed intention to sue the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) board for not having opened procedures to search on Traian Basescu's record and for having broken the law they were supposed to obey. He also said he would sue the chiefs of Romanian intelligence services. He argued: "The CNSAS was supposed to check on Traian Basescu in case of new elements emerging, they didn't meet the procedures I had demanded and the terms are now over. They sent me a letter after 8 months to announce me about the SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) reply, which I believe to be mockery. There is also the fact that the CNSAS was supposed to inform the Prosecutor's Office unless the services handed in the records. Not to transfer the records means secrecy and this is a crime sentenced with 3 up to 10 years or prison."
The ex President also mentioned his intention to sue the intelligence services, which the CNSAS had failed to do. Constantinescu opined that the CNSAS members were afraid to open checks on records related to President Traian Basescu. (...) (A.H.)
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