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  Nr. 3706 de sambata, 19 august 2006 
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Pontius Boc
The womanly quarrel between the president and vice president of the ARIS (Romanian Agency for Foreign Investment), that is between Ana Maria Cristina and Gabriela Vasile, has intrigued all common sense politicians. The PM got enraged and dismissed the two haughty ladies at a time, pointing to "conduct unfit" for a high official position "within a Romanian state authority".
Although it didn't progress like the fight between Copos and Marius Marinescu, with wrestling and offenses, the two women's quarrel disgusted the PD (Democrat Party) leader Emil Boc too. Senators Marinescu stays a member of the PD as the black, but nice sheep who shows fists when losing control on words, together with ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) officers Alin Teodorescu and Silvian Ionescu. Although the latter are allies of Ceausescu's nomenclature, they are teaching morals. Boc felt a need to calm the two ARIS women down. Their conflict looks like womanly vendetta rather than serious dispute. The president accused the vice president of having been bribed by a foreign investor and of being the protege of Marius Marinescu, who wants to grab the ARIS too. The other one claimed the "bribe" had actually been a gift, consisting only in bed sheets and Chinese cigarettes, costing no more than 200 Euro. In her turn she claimed the former reached a conflict of interests, because her husband had business in a company with an Israeli investor.
The replies the two women exchanged made Boc feel frustrated and he cried his disappointment out loud. As for Marius Marinescu, also known as the "trinket senator", who interfered in the quarrel, Boc forgave him one more time and decided to wait for the governmental committee for checks to finish inquiry. As for the two ex Securitate officers mentioned above, Boc didn't even blink. He mentioned he would be waiting for the CNSAS (national Council for research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) to reach verdict and for the Ticu Law to be modified so that he would reach "a similar decision." It means he will have a lot of waiting to do.
Carmen EPURAN 
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