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  Nr. 3704 de joi, 17 august 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Top liars
Most Romanians (87%) watch TV for information on political events. What they dislike most at politicians crowding on the small screen is the fact that they are liars. This is the conclusion reached after the latest CURS poll, drawn early this month.
When asked about the top liar among politicians, most citizens utter the names of Adrian Nastase, Corneliu Vadim Tudor and Traian Basescu. The "Munchausen top" has been charted out of the answers given by TV watchers interested in news and political programmes. Apart from the above-mentioned politicians, Ion Iliescu and Calin Popescu Tariceanu are also mentioned. It is to be noticed the large number of Romanians who give no answer to such a question. Sebastian Lazaroiu, a head of the CURS pollsters, says this is because the question is related to politicians' qualities difficult to detect by the TV behavior. This is why most Romanians are unable to name the most vulgar politician and few can express opinion on corruption, he claims. There is also the fact that many Romanians take no interest in politics, whereas some others can't evaluate the activity of politicians because they lack clear criteria. (...)
As for the most honest politician visible on TV, 49% have got no idea and 30% say Traian Basescu embodies him. 12% go for Iliescu and 11% for Becali. (...)
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