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  Nr. 3704 de joi, 17 august 2006 
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Commission to question Timofte
The SRI (Romanian Intelligence Service) commission is to question the ex SRI chief Radu Timofte and his executives next week. They are to tackle the existence of secret service "moles" in the press and the Omar Hayssam case. MPs in the above-mentioned commission have informed that on Tuesday they got several documents on the two issues from the SRI. (...)
Analysis of SRI activities
According to the CSAT (Supreme Council for National Defense), the SRI is to transfer national security records by August 30. Afterwards the SRI commission is to analyze the way the institution obeyed the deadline and the law on the declassification and transfer of documents, says Social-Democrat Ion Stan, head of commission.
Although avoiding to say whether the document transfer is in keeping with procedures or not, he claims that, according to the latest CSAT decision, the declassification of records should obey Ordinance 16, bringing changes to the law on citizens' access to their own records. (...)
Stan: Information leaking from the CNSAS is unfair practice
Deputy Ion Stan claims the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) has not managed to uncover information the right way. He comments: "As for the unmasking, there is a law, but we can see procedures are not obeyed, although they must. Information leaking from the CNSAS is a practice in use for a very long time now." As for the reasons for classifying certain records including data on foreigners, Stan thinks declassification might be grounded on arguments related to the services' vulnerability. (...)
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