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  Nr. 3688 de sambata, 29 iulie 2006 
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Bush called to help St. Iosif Cathedral in Bucharest
During the visit of the Romanian President, Traian Basescu, in the United States of America, a group of pious people prayed in front of the US Embassy in Bucharest for the saving of Sfantul Iosif Cathedral. The historical monument in Bucharest is in danger because of the construction, less than 10 meters away, of a 74 meters high building, for which the Millenium company managed to get the necessary authorizations by means questioned by several public authorities and not only. In spite of Vatican's protest and of the action taken against by the Roman-Catholic Archbishop in Bucharest, the City Hall and the Capital's Prefecture, the Romanian justice did not choose to order the cessation of the works at this building until controversial and disputed aspects are settled down. The Catholic community in Romania officially declared itself persecuted in this case. Thus, the Romanian diplomacy runs the risk of getting a red flag in the next CE Regular Country Report, which is defining for Romania's EU membership on January 1st, 2007. The believers hope the US State Department - which attentively watches the statute of the religious rights and liberties in the countries in transition - to receive their protest in a good will. (D.E.)
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