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  Nr. 3680 de joi, 20 iulie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
164 Romanians got home safe
More than 164 Romanians in Lebanon returned to Romania by plane Tuesday night. The first plane landed on Henry Coanda airport at 3:25 a.m. with delay. There were 112 Romanians aboard. The second one landed at about 4:00 a.m. It carried more 52 Romanian citizens. They left Lebanon for Syria by bus and on Syria they took the plane to fly back home.
Upon their arrival to Romania they said they had gone through a nightmare in Lebanon and they found it hard to come to senses again after the shock in the middle of war. On Monday night more than 300 Romanians had already got to Bucharest from Lebanon. They were dissatisfied that they had to return to the country because of the war and most of them said they were eager for the conflict to end so that they could go back there. Most of the people waiting for their relatives and friends on the airport said they had been talking little to the Romanians in Lebanon since the conflict had burst out. (B.C.G.)
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