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  Nr. 3680 de joi, 20 iulie 2006 
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"Clean Voices II" list to reach CNSAS today
Today at 1:00 p.m. Civic Media Association is to provide the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service) with the second list part of the "Clean Voices" campaign, carried together with organizations such as "Journalists against Corruption" and "Bulgaria Media Coalition" in Sophia.
This second list includes names of journalists working for central press, from both the old and new generations. It also includes names of journalists-politicians, journalists working for the Romanian Television and Radio and main journalists in the local press. There is also a section of Magyar journalists in Romania, drawn on information provided by Magyar daily Uj Magyar Szo. There can also be found names of members in the leading boards of the main unions and organizations of journalists. The list is actually a new Top 300. (...) (D.I.)
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