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  Nr. 3677 de luni, 17 iulie 2006 
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Boc's anticipated elections
PD (Democratic Party) wants anticipated elections in 2007. Democratic leader, Emil Boc, said, on Saturday, in Cluj-Napoca, they were necessary because the Government's initiatives needed for the country's accession to the EU were not supported by the MPs. "If we want to have a comfortable Parliamentary majority, capable to assure the success of the Romania's effective accession to the EU, 2007 should be the year of anticipated elections", said Boc, quoted by NewsIn. The Democrat referred to the situation in the Senate, where the laws backed by the Coalition were unsuccessful because an organic law needed 69 votes to pass, while the Coalition had only 71 senators. The PD leader refused to say whether the Democrats would candidate on common lists with the Liberals, in case anticipated elections were organized. He only stated that, for the time being, the protocol of the Alliance, valid until 2008, has not been denounced by any of the parties and that there were no intentions in this respect. The statement of the PD leader came after that of the Democrat minister of Interior, Vasile Blaga, who, by the end of last week, declared himself for the organization of anticipated elections in spring 2007. "I believe anticipated elections are a must in spring. Life will impose them", said Blaga, also referring to the fact that the parties of the Coalition had had no majority in the Senate for a long time. Blaga explained that, because the Power had no majority, "the Government could impose its political line only if it negotiated everything with the Opposition".
Liberals pretend not to hear anything
Although the Democrats scarred them again with the anticipated elections, Liberal leaders pretended not to hear anything and, at the summer school of the Young Liberals, they went too far with the courtesy messages to PD. Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies, Bogdan Olteanu, militated for the prolongation with a new mandate of the protocol of the PNL-PD Alliance. "The current protocol comes to an end in 2008, before the parliamentary elections. My opinion is we should keep on going together for a new mandate, which we may obtain or not", said Olteanu, quoted by Mediafax. He insisted that, under the circumstances PSD (Social Democratic Party - in Opposition) still had an image problem, the only political solution for Romania is the D.A. (Rom. abbr. for Justice and Truth) Alliance. The PNL minister Gheorghe Flutur also struggled for a good relationship with the Democrats, invoking the European integration and the PSD "danger".
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