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  Nr. 3673 de miercuri, 12 iulie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Pyramids at climax
It is poverty that makes Romanians use their money in gambling games like Caritas. Severe crimes take places, but interior minister Vasile Blaga notices nothing. The promise to win money fast makes "players" risk what they have saved up in a lifetime.
After the spectacular collapse of tricky operations such as Caritas, Gerald, Dynamic Elite or Philadelphia, the latter were replaced by Delphin, Eurocasta and Society Club. Some other businessmen keen on jackpots have even set one Internet business: "Email Letters". The law on gambling sanctions the existence of "pyramids", after hundred thousand Romanians were cheated on by the great criminals in the field. Despite it, hundreds of such "flat" games work illegally. The companies owning them are hard to control. They arrest the attention of state institutions only after the business has become huge, as in the case of the "Delphin" Pyramid in Arad. Email cheat is almost impossible to discover. The problem emerges because of the huge email address box and the source is difficult to reach. The victim of "The Delphin" got great business promises. The cheated lose hundreds of million ROL. Those who want to complaint about the crime to the Police or the Prosecutor's Office are blackmailed with a confidentiality clause and threatened to spend 2-7 years behind bars for complicity to illegal games. (...) (L.K.)
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