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  Nr. 3673 de miercuri, 12 iulie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Government spokeswoman complains against defense minister
Adriana Saftoiu, spokeswoman for the Romanian government and presidency communication adviser, sent a criminal complaint to the Prosecutor's Office yesterday. The official complained against Romanian defense minister Teodor Atanasiu, accusing him of abuse at work against people's interests. The reason why Saftoiu did it is that minister Atanasiu had recently said on TV: "I am telling it once again: I have got a whole information department. They tell me what comes from Mrs. Saftoiu from Cotroceni Palace, on credible sources close to the Palace. Therefore it is not the case for you to tell me what they release there." Because of this statement Adriana Saftoiu got to think she had been systematically watched by the General Information Department in the Ministry of Defense, which had allowed for such surveillance, beyond the latter Department's attributions. (...) (R.S.)
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