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  Nr. 3667 de miercuri, 5 iulie 2006 
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Basescu running with a grenade in his hand
Yesterday there was both official and unofficial information confirming that Traian Basescu would attend the meeting of government members due today. The huge political war on Tariceanu's controversial announcement about the withdrawal of Romanian troops from Iraq staring with January 1, 2007, along with the President's very tough reply are pointing to one more certainty. Basescu won't chair the next meeting of Executive members to impose some political project of his or just to use his constitutional prerogative as mediator for state institutions in conflict. He is coming to Victoria Palace on a different purpose and with a grenade in his hand. The head of state's firm intention is to dynamite irremediably, if possible, Calin Popescu Tariceanu's credibility. And the much invoked resignation of the defense minister will be the test. Although Teodor Atanasiu has said it clearly that resignation has never crossed his mind and although he has been proved to enjoy the PM's support and the Liberals' too, the dice hasn't been cast yet. It is a move Basescu is considering. But why is he so keen on it?
The human is an aspect no one can ignore when evaluating a president of state. As far as this human dimension is concerned, we can understand Traian Basescu. His fever in the last days, his forceful attack meant to continue an older political battle against Tariceanu's team are explainable. It is no secret to anyone that Basescu is longing for action, after suffering a difficult surgery and a long lasting recovery. We can make out his comeback to normal strength, if we think about the compensation principle. Once recovered, the head of state is catching up. While he was in hospital, Tariceanu, who had gradually become his number 1 enemy, tried to take over. It is true he didn't do it wisely, as far as the withdrawal of Romanian soldiers from Iraq is concerned. But Basescu's political action is explainable too. Technically speaking, the Tariceanu-Atanasiu-Olteanu trio committed some severe mistakes and didn't know how to cover their backs when producing the project of troop withdrawal so awkwardly. Had Basescu not struggled to make full use of this advantage, Liberal leaders would have certainly achieved a lot, both long and medium term advantages. The stay of foreign troops in Iraq is becoming more and more unpopular in all states, the US included. Why wouldn't it be the same in Romania, not reached by the 3 billion dollars Saddam's officials owes us, still reached by coffins carrying the corpses of youth sent to battles abroad?
All the states in the coalition against Saddam through which the US tried and managed to substitute the UN authority have set a calendar for withdrawal. Even in Washington officials talk about a withdrawal, it's true, but they aren't mentioning when it is to occur. Romania is therefore perfectly entitled to withdraw troops in 2007 and it can never be perceived as betrayal. Given the circumstances, whether the group with initiative is from Cotroceni or from some place else, they have only got advantages to get, theoretically speaking. And the initiative is now the Liberals'. If things are so, Basescu would have two solutions at hand: cheer Tariceanu and consolidate his position or violently deny his initiative, behaving like an opponent of troop withdrawal. In the second case, Basescu would lose the popularity he enjoys. But just like the whole press has noticed, Tariceanu was a poor stage director handling a scenario that could have been successful, probably under the influence of Atanasiu, a man who speaks no foreign language. He was such a poor director that his play got only noice instead of applause.
Basescu is heading the government with a grenade in his hand. He intends to keep away the moment when public opinion sees Tariceanu is right. He is actually trying to seize the trophy. His chance is to nail Atanasiu to the wall of infamy right in Victoria Palace, with help from Democrat ministers and from the seeming dissidence of ministers Ungureanu and Vladescu. If he forces Atanasiu into resigning, Tariceanu's credibility will be much harmed. If Basescu fails, the bricks dropped on the withdrawal from Iraq will unfortunately cause effects for a longer time. Because here is a fact: Atanasiu has become undesirable to the NATO states.
Sorin Rosca Stanescu 
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