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  Nr. 3654 de marti, 20 iunie 2006 
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Pretext Paloma
The Liberals and the Democrats have found two more hot issues to dispute on. They seem to be causing the rapid deterioration of relations between the two parties. One apple of discord is a woman, ex member of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and a state secretary in the Ministry of Education. The Liberal PM dismissed her because one journalist managed to steal the history topics for the final exams. Although in no party connection to Paloma Petrescu, the PD (Democrat Party) leader Emil Boc stood by her, claiming her guilt was uncertain. The Democrats remembered there had been other scandals, such as the one caused by the information leaking from the Ministry of Defense (they forgot it took place in 2003, when the Social-Democrats were at rule), when PM Tariceanu hadn't been that fond of sanctions. The Liberals replied advising Boc that in his weekly visits to Cotroceni Palace he should ask presidency adviser Sergiu Medar about the information leak story.
Yesterday the Liberals and the Democrats also found themselves not sharing views on the Gojdu Foundation issue. The Democrats threatened they would boycott the Romanian-Hungarian agreement on the making of a public Emanuil Gojdu Foundation, claiming they wanted talks with the Romanian Orthodox Church and respect for the great lawyer's will. On the other hand, the Liberals want the agreement with the Hungarian government to be ratified. (C.E.)
Democrats asked the Liberals to postpone sacking Hardau
Yesterday morning the PD president Emil Boc phoned the Romanian PM to promise the Democrats would sack education minister Mihail Hardau and find someone to take over, sources close to the Liberals claim. They said Boc tried to persuade the Cabinet head that it wasn't exactly elegant to dismiss state secretary Paloma Petrescu, a member of the PSD until a short while ago.
PM Tariceanu insinuated to Boc that it was not normal for him to change a publicly announced decision and explained someone had to pay for the scandal in the Ministry of Education. The scandal on the education minister is a good opportunity for the Liberals to plead for their view on minister Hardau. Although his dismissal has already been settled behind closed doors, with help from the minister's colleagues too, Tariceanu spoke double language in front of TV cameras. He insisted that the leak of exam topics to the press was no reason for the Liberals to demand that the education minister should be dismissed. Although he knew Hardau's career as minister was over, Tariceanu claimed: "I don't think that because of such deficiencies the ministry can be demanded to take responsibility." (...) Still the PM put some doubt on Hardau's ministry: "The Ministry of Education will work perfectly only when there are settled clear procedures and regulation." (...) (C.E., R.G.)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Scrisoare catre un prieten, test national (282 afisari)
 Pretextul Paloma (188 afisari)
 Afacerea "Colosii" (172 afisari)
 Casa lui Titel Petrescu, la un functionar ministerial (122 afisari)
 Stiri pe scurt (101 afisari)
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